Craig Goodman ( 1957) has always done things a little bit differently.
American by birth, he was raised and educated in Vienna, Paris and  New York. After completing his flute studies with Marcel Moyse and Tom Nyfenger, he was engaged as solo flutist with the Philadelphia Opera Orchestra under Julius Rudel, and shortly thereafter he moved to New York where, having "succeeded" in the traditional way (competitions, solo and chamber music concerts, orchestral positions), he chose to leave for Paris. 

From there, he began a 'new', more multi-faceted career, one that attracted the interest of, among others, Yehudi Menuhin, Leonard Bernstein, Henri Dutilleux... 
As performer, he plays concerts in many of the world's capitals as well as more isolated areas. As composer, his works are decidedly lyrical, often involving dance and theater. And as a teacher, he has helped many flutists and chamber groups find their way to their own expressive styles without ignoring tradition.